Derby Public Schools is launching several new programs for the 2024-2025 school year!
Please take a moment to review the lessons our students participated in at the beginning of the year to reinforce our procedures, routines and expectations.
District Leadership was proud to surprise our 2025 Horizon Award nominees: Delaney McWilliams, Kindergarten Teacher at Park Hill Elementary, and Olivia Bazanos, Derby Middle School Orchestra Teacher/Derby High School Band Assistant Director!
We are excited to announce that the Panther Watch volunteer program is expanding to the middle schools. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in supporting the learning environment at Derby Middle School, Derby North Middle School and Derby High School.
Did you know you can report an absence online through Skyward Family Access instead of calling the attendance line?
New for the 2024-2025 school year, Derby Public Schools is introducing a new “Partner Practice” program, designed to support our students' skill development through meaningful family engagement at home.
All schools also utilize a visitor management system, called SafeVisitor, to enhance school entrance security, streamline the check-in process and help us to be aware of everyone in our schools.
The Kansas School Safety Hotline, 1 (877) 626-8203, can be used to anonymously report any potential school violence. The Kansas School Safety Hotline is there for you 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.